ABOUT OUR SCHOOL & CREATOR Kim Kizzier Sherrodd:
HI, I’M KIM and I’m so happy you are here.
I am the creator and director of The School of Applied Integrative Therapy ~ Equine (School AIT). I’ve been a licensed human massage therapist and equine bodyworker for over three decades. I originally trained as a vet tech and worked in veterinary clinics for years as a tech and practice manager, but my deep passion has always revolved around natural healing and energetic-based modalities. Bodywork is a perfect blend of art and science and I can attest that Equine Bodywork is absolutely a most rewarding and satisfying career. Teaching Equine Bodywork and watching each student transform through horses and this beautiful work is truly magical.
This school began out of a deep need for caring, well-trained and qualified Equine Bodyworkers. To be honest, as an equine bodyworker, I was overworked, exhausted and had way too many wonderful clients all across the US. I absolutely love my work, but there just wasn’t enough of me to go around and I saw no end in sight. In my case, the tail was literally swishing the horse!
I tried the “shadow” idea where interested horse lovers followed me around to learn the tricks of the trade, but soon learned that these folks required much more education. I began to compile notebooks of information to teach and for nearly ten years, I studied more (a lot more), and I built file upon file based off of the National Board of Certification for Animal Acupressure and Massage (NBCAAM) standards and requirements. Finally with the help of a great business coach and some amazing participants, I held my first live introductory class and we’ve been in full gallop ever since.